Sponsorship Opportunities
We are requesting your support for the Spencer Pride commUnity center. As a 100% volunteer-powered 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, Spencer Pride relies on sponsors like you to help ensure that we can continue serving rural south-central Indiana with our admission-free, family-friendly facility.
The Spencer Pride commUnity center is open to the public for ALL. The commUnity center provides a family-friendly and inclusive atmosphere in a small-town setting open Wednesday through Sunday 10:00 am – 7:00 pm. The commUnity center is home to our regular programming, youth group, health and wellness services and other LGBTQ+ support services. It’s a place for the community to gather together either informally or in one or two event spaces. At the commUnity center you will also find our retail shop which showcases local and/or LGBTQ+ artisans/crafts people.
We are requesting financial support from you in order to continue operating and investing in our commUnity center. You can provide much needed support by becoming a commUnity center Sponsor to assist with our current programming and assist with our future building expansion and programming. Spencer Pride is working on several new projects to ensure our future as well as new programs to continue to support the LGBTQ+ community.
If you need additional assistance, please contact Martha Nally at Martha@SpencerPride.org. If you can visit, we will welcome you at our commUnity center to see our space and operations and discuss the opportunities that you can help to make a reality.
On behalf of the Spencer Pride Board of Directors and our dynamic volunteers, thank you for considering supporting our efforts to make Indiana a more welcoming place for ALL people.
All sponsors, at all levels, receive our sincere gratitude in addition to the tangible benefits highlighted.
Does your company match?
Other Ways to Support Us!
Estate Donations: One way to honor your loved one’s legacy is to donate estate contents to Spencer Pride. Valuable antiques, stamp and coin collections, works of arts, cars, boats, and other personal property can make suitable charitable gifts. If you would like to discuss the possibility of leaving contents of your estate to Spencer Pride, contact Jacob@SpencerPride.org