The entertainment lineup for this year’s Spencer Pride Festival is twice as long but equally as diverse as compared to last year. For the first time, the festival will feature two venues for all-day entertainment. The Ivy Tech Bloomington Main Stage will continue to be the largest venue, located on the south lawn of the Owen County Courthouse in the heart of the LGBTQ+ festival. The Gathering Place of the Spencer Pride commUnity center will serve as a second, smaller venue for 2019.
“We wanted to provide a venue that serves as a more intimate environment for both entertainer & audience,” said Jonathan Balash, Spencer Pride president. “We expect that the Gathering Place will be a popular location for everyone.”
Entertainers scheduled for this year include some returning favorites such as Quarryland Men’s Chorus & Inkwell Moon as well as new Spencer Pride Festival performers Static Rats & Dino. From solo singer/songwriters like SarahJayne to bands like the Trip, from folk to rock, whether guitar or harp, the 2019 lineup offers someone for nearly everyone.
Schedules for each of the venues are below:
Ivy Tech Bloomington Stage
- 12:00 PM – SarahJayne (Americana singer/songwriter,
The entertainment lineup for the Ivy Tech Bloomington Stage includes a diverse array of styles. - 12:30 PM – Window to My Soul (singer/songwriter,
- 1:00 PM – Jeremy Sublette
- 1:30 PM – Static Rats (punk/electronic,
- 2:00 PM – The Trip (progressive rock 3-piece,
- 3:00 PM – Quarryland Mens Chorus (
- 3:30 PM – Pet Pride Parade, presented by Elanco (no pre-registration required, no fee to participate)
- 4:00 PM – Different Drummer Belly Dancers (traditional belly dancing with modern music, & Generation She (diverse hip-hop group)
- 4:30 PM – Inkwell Moon (indie/alternative rock band,
- 5:30 PM – Amateur Drag Show
- 6:00 – Drag Show
Spencer Pride commUnity center Gathering Place

- 12:00 PM – P,B,&J
- 1:00 PM – Dino (quirky indie folk,
- 2:00 PM – Tipsy Teasedale
- 3:00 PM – SarahJayne (Americana singer/songwriter,
- 3:30 PM – Ktea (pop singer/songwriter,
- 4:00 PM – Drag Queen Storytime
- 4:30 PM – Bill & Glenda Breeden
- 6:00 PM – Bloomington Brass Band