On Friday, October 6, Spencer Pride president Jonathan Balash spoke alongside 5 other individuals at “Pride Talks.” The event was part of the Indy Pride Educational Series & was presented by Butler University.
“Pride Talks” took place at the Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis. The event coincided with the InterPride 2017 World Conference & many attendees were participants from the conference. The public was also welcome to attend. The auditorium was packed!
Each speaker spoke about why they are involved in the LGBTQ+ pride movement & why they continue to be involved. Speakers included: Sylvia Thomas, Kevin Calhoun, Michele Irimia-Bernabe, Emmanuel Temores, Jonathan Balash, & Myranda Warden.
Each individual “Pride Talk” was unique & offered a perspective unlike the others. As a collective group, the talks were emotional & motivational. Throughout the evening there were plenty of tears & laughs in the auditorium.
Balash spoke about his experience growing up in Hobart, Indiana, which he perceived to be a very small town at the time. Little did he know that he’d ultimately live in a community 1/10 the size of Hobart & be a part of establishing one of the most successful rural LGBTQ+ pride organizations in the United States. Jonathan’s presentation focused on two main topics: the importance of visibility & the recognition that we must continue to educate people on LGBTQ+ issues or they will become indoctrinated to less open-minded ideas.
“Change doesn’t happen TO you, it happens BECAUSE OF you,” Balash said during his presentation to the audience.
“Remember that what you are doing is IMPORTANT. The simple things are IMPORTANT. Being there, being visible is REALLY IMPORTANT.”
Additional photos & a small video clip of the presentation by Balash is available on the Spencer Pride Facebook page.