The membership of Spencer Pride recently made a major change in our organization’s by-laws, creating a true Board of Directors rather than the Executive Board operating structure that we have been utilizing since our initial incorporation. We are pleased to announce that we have now filled one of the three new positions that were created with the changes. Cathy Wyatt, who holds a Master’s Degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Indiana University School of Public Health, was elected by the membership during our meeting on May 19.Cathy has extensive community organization-based experience, including her role as president of the White River Valley PFLAG and affiliations with Spencer Pride Inc. and the IU Office of Global and Community Health Partnership. Cathy works for Middle Way House Inc. as a victim advocate and Community Prevention Program presenter in Owen County. She is also employed with IU Health Education as a community health program facilitator. Cathy’s rich experience and soft-spoken style will serve as an excellent addition to the Spencer Pride Inc. Board of Directors. We are thrilled to have her as the first of three new positions that have been made available. The Spencer Pride Inc. Board of Directors is still seeking two additional Directors. If you are interested in serving as a Director on the Board, please contact Applicants do not need to be current members of Spencer Pride Inc. Individuals with financial experience or experience with grant-writing are preferred. |