On Wednesday, October 5th, 2011, White River Valley PFLAG, in partnership with the Spencer Presbyterian Church, Spencer Pride Inc., and Middle Way House, will be hosting a community screening of the filmBullied followed by a community dialogue on the same subject.The film screening and dialogue is a part of a series of local activities scheduled during October for LGBT History Month. October is alsoBullying Awareness Month. Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case that Made History chronicles the powerful story of a student who stood up to his anti-gay tormentors and filed a federal lawsuit against his school district. The suit led to a landmark federal court decision holding that school officials could be held accountable for not stopping the harassment and abuse of gay students. The Bullied event will take place from 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the Spencer Presbyterian Church Cornerstone Hall at 154 N. Main Street in Spencer, Indiana. The public is encouraged to attend this event. Admission and dinner are both free thanks to the sponsoring organizations and other local businesses. The organizers held a similar event last year for the film Out in the Silence. That film screening and dialogue resulted in a large community turnout and received much praise from those in attendance. “We are so pleased to make such an important event available to the community,” said Loretta Jackson, coordinator of the film screening. Jackson is a member of both Spencer Pride and WRV PFLAG and also volunteers for Middle Way House. “We need to start a healthy conversation about bullying in our community.” For more information about the event, please contact Jonathan Balash at 812-821-3073. |