On Sunday, July 17th, Spencer Pride members gathered for the Annual Meeting to begin planning for the 2012 Spencer Pride Festival. At the meeting, all three of the 2011 officers announced their willingness to continue their roles and the members responded with a unanimous vote in favor of their continued leadership. The proposed 2012 strategy was also presented and approved during the meeting, and the strategy included the creation of 4 coordinator roles and two committees (organized by two committee chairs). See below for the full listing of Executive Board Officers as well as the new leadership roles approved by the membership. 2012 Spencer Pride Inc. Executive Board
Jonathan A. Balash
Judi Epp
Treasurer/Financial Officer
Jerry Cross
Corporate Sponsorship Coordinator
Mai-Lin Poon
Cataract Property Coordinator
Jacob Balash
LGBT History Month Event Coordinator
Loretta Jackson
Safer Sex Event Coordinator
David Frye
Local Solicitations Committee Chair
Cathy Wyatt
Festival Activities Committee Chair
Daniel C. Storrs