Each month, the directors of Spencer Pride will be bringing you a bit of themselves. This will be a way for the directors to share a more personal side with the community. The idea for this “Director’s Corner” was discussed at our annual retreat and it was agreed that much of what is known of the directors is through an email address or a photo in the commUnity center. Sure, some directors have developed relationships with the community, but we also have new directors who are also new to the community. We hope you enjoy getting to know a bit more of the directors of Spencer Pride.
Up next is Lisa, the Volunteer Communications & Development Director!

My name is Lisa. I love my work at Spencer Pride. I’m happily married to my wife, Sher Bear Patys. We have three adult offspring. We have two grandchildren and one on the way. We live in a tiny house like you see on TV. We also have four dogs of our own and are currently caring for two other dogs that belong to the spawn mentioned above. One point of contention or occasionally hilarious incident one of the dogs that live with us inside said the tiny house is a Great Dane. She’s currently taking up half of the couch as I write this. Two years ago, we moved to the area to be closer to my family and escape an unpleasant situation where we lived with horrendous neighbors.
In looking for places to live in Indiana, we looked for a safe place to be ourselves without fear of repercussion. I happened across Spencer Pride in my search for safe areas. I emailed asking if they felt the community was safe and other questions I had. I got a reply the same day. We came up to see the area and meet Judi in person. We were sold and started looking for a piece of property and closed within weeks. Soon I joined the board at Spencer Pride.
For Spencer Pride, I put together the Volunteer Connection, do some background work for new volunteers, work on the festival committee and volunteer at the CommUnity Center.
In my spare time, I spend time with our children and grandchildren when time and space allow. I have a growing love for cooking. I love to read and write fiction, mostly fantasy, in my spare time. I do my best to make time for friends. I also work full-time at Stone Belt, helping people with disabilities find employment. I love my job. It was a step in a new direction for me.
Since we moved here, I feel like a puzzle piece that has snapped into place. I fit in my job, I fit in with Spencer Pride, I fit in with my new friends. I love our home, our family, and our friends. And while my life can be a little wild sometimes, I am grateful for every moment.