This week, it was announced that the Town of Spencer would be receiving a Main Street Revitalization Program grant through the federal Community Development Block Grant Program. This grant awards $500,000 for downtown streetscape improvements on parts of Main Street & Market Street. The grant money will be combined with a local match of $598,000 in order to fund the expected total cost of the project, which is estimated to be $1.1 million.
According to a press release issued by the Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs, the money awarded to the Town of Spencer “will replace concrete sidewalks and curbs, install decorative lighting, place metal benches and metal trash receptacles as well as plant trees with tree grates. This project contributes to community development by beautifying the downtown through new sidewalks and improved lighting.”
Spencer Pride is excited to see this improvements, especially those that will have a direct impact on the commUnity center at 46 E. Market Street.

Spencer Main Street played a pivotal role in acquiring this grant. Volunteers of Spencer Pride, including Unity retail manager Jacob Balash, are also involved with the Spencer Main Street Association.
“I’m excited that Spencer was chosen to receive this wonderful grant to help revitialize our downtown,” said Balash. “It will help bring in new business & rekindle life in our gem of a town. I think this is one more step in the right direction to help highlight the marvelous assets that Spencer has.”
Spencer Pride treasurer Judith Epp expressed gratitude to the Town of Spencer, Spencer Main Street, & the State of Indiana for supporting the downtown improvements.
“This is just so wonderful” exclaimed Epp. “We are so thankful to all those who worked to make this possible. The street lighting, gathering spaces, and safe, new sidewalks will make a great addition to Spencer & will enhance the appeal of the Spencer Pride commUnity center.””
The downtown work is expected to take place in 2017, likely lasting 3-5 months. It is possible that this work will be underway during the Spencer Pride Festival on June 4.

You can find additional information about the grant announcement & images of possible improvements at the Spencer Evening World website. (subscription required)
You can see the press release from the Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs at: