The amount of work undertaken in the past 2 months to transform our new facility into the new home for our commUnity center cannot be overstated. Masonry, electrical, framing, plumbing, flooring, lighting, painting, demolition, & cleaning have all been utilized in order to prepare the space for our upcoming move. Countless individuals have been involved in the project including volunteers as well as paid local contractors.
Pictured here are a few photos from throughout the past 60 days. You’ll see various stages of our work as well as many of the people who have been involved. Future updates will include additional photos.

As previously communicated, the short-term plan (phase 1) is to move all of our existing operations from our rented facility at 46 E. Market Street to our newly purchased building at 17 E. Franklin Street. This move will encompass transition of Unity (our retail store), Safe Place services, & all other elements of our current commUnity center by the end of January. Once this transition is complete, the new facility will boast everything we currently offer & much more. Newly added amenities at the new facility will be two ADA-compliant restrooms, an informal Gathering Place, & meeting room.
Volunteers are at the new facility daily in preparation for the completion of this phase. Most weekends consists of 1 or more workdays where up to a dozen volunteers are assisting in the many things that need to be done.
Long-term plans include complete restoration of the exterior & renovation of the 2nd floor. Once complete, the 2nd floor will contain 3 rental units intended for elder & other members of the LGBTQ+ community. It will also have office space that will be utilized to offer a variety of new or low-cost services for the community. As plans are developed further they will be communicated to the public.
If you are interested in helping out in January with this effort, please contact Marissa Mallo, our volunteer coordinator. You can reach Marissa via e-mail at Marissa@SpencerPride.org.