On Saturday, February 12th, Spencer Pride and Planned Parenthood of Indiana held the second annual Safer Sex Condom Crawl. The Condom Crawl is a collaboration between our organizations intended to promote a healthy and happy sexual lifestyle. Nearly 500 condoms were distributed by representatives of both groups throughout a variety of bars in Bloomington. Although the original plan included only three bars – Kilroy’s on Kirkwood, Brother’s, and Uncle Elizabeth’s – the Condom Crawl volunteers also ventured to Video Saloon, Jake’s, and The Bluebird.While the majority of volunteers distributed condomsduring the bar crawl, members of Spencer Pride also staffed a table at Uncle Elizabeth’s for the entire evening. In addition to distributing condoms at the table, members also passed out information about the Spencer Pride Festival, gathered additional sign-ups for our e-mail distribution list, and encouraged bar-goers to participate in two guessing games available at the table. The guessing game provided by Planned Parenthood of Indiana required players to guess at the number of condoms in a large plastic water jug. The guessing game provided by Spencer Pride required players to guess at the number of corn kernels in a large footed glass jar (in keeping with our promotion of all things rural). The winner of the corn guessing game was Jenna Basiliere. Jenna will be receiving a pair of Spencer Pride t-shirts for having guessed the closest number of corn kernels. The Ms. Ter South Central Indiana King contest also took place that evening at Uncle Elizabeth’s, and members of Spencer Pride and Planned Parenthood of Indiana enjoyed watching the event in addition to dancing afterward! We look forward to the third annual Safer Sex Condom Crawl next year. For more information about Planned Parenthood of Indiana (a bronze sponsor of the 2011 Spencer Pride Festival), please visit www.PPIN.org.