Spencer Pride’s Resilience Skills Program, a 10-week program helping people facing health challenges to thrive, starts Thursday, March 3rd and will run through May 5th. The program will provide tools and skill building for positivity and resilience for the health challenged and their caretakers.

The two parts of the program are a Zoom session and an in-person session at the commUnity center that will cover the same themes in different ways on alternating weeks. The themes are Mindset & Inner Resources; Creativity & Meaning; Body, Movement, & Rest; Environment & External Influences; and Connection to Spirit, Nature & Other Humans.
This program is supported by the Boston Scientific Foundation and is open to the public without charge.
Please pass information about the Zoom session opportunity to family and friends who might benefit from it.
In the Zoom sessions, health coach Jilly Hyndman will present tools and tips centered on the five major themes, with opportunities for Q&A.
Attendance is unlimited with sessions at 3:00 pm EST on March 3, 17, and 31, and April 14 and 28.
These sessions are recommended but not required for participants in the in-person sessions.
To register, click the button below.

Each Zoom session will be followed by an in-person session at the commUnity center (17 E. Franklin St. Spencer, IN). These sessions, led by Janet Delong, PTDPT, MSW, will cover each theme using methods to help integrate resilience skills in real life situations.
Sessions will be held at 3:00 pm EST on March 10 and 24, April 7 and 21, and May 5.
Due to social distancing requirements, attendance will be limited to 12 participants, each of whom will receive a copy of Jilly Hyndman’s book, Positively Chronic.
To request one of the available in-person slots, click the button below.

For more information contact Leslie@spencerpride.org.